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2019 Photo Contest Gallery

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Honorable Mention
The photo was taken at my grandfather's house. He is laughing with my little cousin and the two of them are participating in family bonding and fun.
Honorable Mention
Sometimes the best thing to do with a guitar is to just look at it.
Honorable Mention
When my family traveled to Kenya for the winter of 2018-2019, I did not expect the impact that the wildlife would have on me. The elephants were saved as babies by the local Kenyans when they were abandoned by their mothers, or their mothers were killed by poachers. I was fortunate enough to capture the eye-changing moment of the good going around the world, helping animals one step at a time.
Honorable Mention
I normally see people playing sports in the school quad, having fun, and overall having a great time. When I try to participate in activities, they try to make me feel not included. I just sat at a wall and was sad for not being able to participate. I always hoped to be to be included but normally I am not. I tried to convey what I always hoped would happen and that someone would try to let that person be a part of whatever they were doing. Naturally this picture was taken at school where I felt that being excluded was something that just happened because it seemed appropriate.
Honorable Mention
The reason I took this picture is because it not only represents a person’s participation in a sport, but it also represents their participation in life. My older sister is participating in my younger sister’s life by being a role model and someone she can look up to. When you’re little, you need a positive influence in your life. You need someone that can show you the way and set a good example. It is important that we participate in school and activities, but it is also important that we participate in each other’s lives. My little sister and I are lucky to have someone as great as her to participate in everything we do!
Honorable Mention
The photo was taken on our campus.

Her eyes shine like the sun
The most beautiful ones
but when she glares
and stares
her eyes get cold
and shallow
as the pale full moon
when you look at her eyes
you'll swoon
Those eyes look
as if it dusk and moon
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in Maui, Hawaii of a waterfall on the hidden part of the island. My photograph relates to the contest theme of participate because my photo shows how instead of staying home or just lying at the beach during vacation, we explored. We discovered places by crawling through bushes, branches, and going off trails. We did what others didn't want to do because it was too risky or too much effort. We exercised our minds and goes which led us to many different amazing discoveries. My photo shows how by allowing yourself to participate in journeys that might be outside of your comfort zone the reward can be nothing like you have ever seen before.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in the school parking lot.
Honorable Mention
After a long day of work, you log out of your computer, pack up your things, and start heading downstairs. While walking down, you say goodbye to the girl at the front desk and walk out to the car. You let out a big sigh once you finally get into the car. You start driving home on the freeway. You might not know it, but you participate in life every second of the day: Working, encountering people, getting from place to place. People have to participate in order for society to thrive. Every car in this photo shows people participating in one way or another. Find something that makes you happy to participate in the world around you and thrive.
Honorable Mention
Participating in family activities helps us be united and develop great communication among us. In this case, hiking with my family gives me motivation to keep trying to improve myself in anything I do. Being involved in things such as hiking gives me an opportunity to interact with my surrounding but doing it with family gives me a chance to share what I witness and what I love
Honorable Mention
Wastewater treatment is the process of converting wastewater into water that can be discharged back to the environment. As wastewater is mostly formed by bathing and toilet water, it is full of contaminants including bacteria, chemicals and other toxins. But how does the actual process work? In order to develop a deeper understanding of the wastewater treatment process, I decided to participate in a tour at a wastewater treatment plant. During the tour, I learned about how wastewater is collected and then goes through multiple steps to eliminate odor, separate macrobiotic matter, undergoes anaerobic digestion, and disinfects any impurities from the water. As I walked past toward the reservoir filled with crystal clear water that has just been processed, I quickly took out my camera to capture this amazing scenery. I realized how the environment can have a significant effect when these facilities take part in them.
Honorable Mention
This photograph relates to this year's contest theme, "participate", because as students it becomes harder and harder to participate in household chores. In the photo you can see the model being more part of the family and home.
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