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2019 Photo Contest Gallery

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Honorable Mention
This photo was taken as a memory to capture a team working as a whole and enjoying their time participating in the 2018 AIDS Walk in hope to spread awareness. The photo was taken in Grand Park during the early hours of the morning.
Honorable Mention
Participating is when you engage with others as a team. I am in Girl Scouts, Jiu-Jitsu, and running. This picture represents three parts of my life. I have participated In Girl Scouts for five years. I learned how to interact with other people, be a part of a team, help others, and sell items (cookies). While learning these life lessons, I have been on the ice at a hockey game and been in a talent show. I am also in Jiu Jitsu. I’ve been participating for two years and have learned never to give up, commit even when it is challenging, and how to defend myself. I have competed in a tournament, and I hope to continue to do so. Lastly, I have participated in running for almost my whole life. I have learned just to keep going and keep up stamina. I’ve been involved in runs at school, various fundraisers, school P.E., and just for fun. Participation isn’t just about winning, it’s about trying something new and having fun!
Honorable Mention
After pondering the theme for a few days I finally came up with the idea of sports. This photo portrays a team joining together around the ball. When I think of participation I think of team games, because everyone needs to do their part for the team to be successful. This photo was taken in the quad of my school with some students that were having a rally with the volleyball, and I thought it would be perfect for this contest.
Contest Winner
It's our dog, Zeke, who helps keep critters that could harm our livestock away, for instance, from my chickens. I took this photo on our ranch, near our pond. He does this pose whenever I say "Be Humble." He has two half blue eyes. It was the first snow day we had when I took this picture with my mom's phone. When you are involved (or participating) in a class project, you have to share you're ideas, so "Think it Over" kind of fit well.
Honorable Mention
A student about to raise his hand to ask a question in regards to the assigned task at hand.
Honorable Mention
The photo was taken at my cousin's house at night on New Year's Eve. I had my cousin actively participate as she held the jar with the Christmas lights inside.
Honorable Mention
The three mares running together in unison shows a form of participation. All the mares in the pasture participated in this friendly race. These mares decided to take a friendly race against each other in their pasture on this beautiful day on the ranch.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in the studio at my high school. I decided to choose this photograph because I thought it enhanced the idea of participation in a positive way. It shows someone picking up a piece of trash and participating in cleaning up the environment, which is something everyone should take action upon.
Honorable Mention
For my photo, I thought that I should make a very unique point about participation which is time. Time is what drives us to do something, that is to participate. We set up important times and schedules. Time isn’t talked about much, and when you really think about it, time is the whole reason that this word is what it is today. Time is a very important keystone to our world and how society works. Taking a picture of a clock at a angle that made the clock seem to have greater power and you looking up to it, makes it seem that the clock is belittling you and warning you that you need to use your time wisely. This is because time is such an important factor to everything happening. Sometimes we forget how important time is and we take it for granted. We think time will always be there when really it isn’t, and being able to participate in something truly revolves around how much time you have to participate.
Honorable Mention
We went to the zoo, and I saw the elephant. He had so much emotion in this picture. I connected to the animal and the nature around me. The elephant looks tired and hurt or like it has been a long day.
Honorable Mention
Making tamales takes hard work from you, your friends, and your family, but it can create memories. Cooking and photography are similar. If you are in a bad mood cooking
or taking pictures, they may not be your best work.
Honorable Mention
Participation is everywhere. It is in a library, in a robotics class and on the playground. When students participate, the impossible becomes possible. I had a hard time choosing an image, since I see (and photograph) students participating with each other everywhere and in every way.
Items 301 to 312 of 345
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