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2019 Photo Contest Gallery

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Honorable Mention
This is how my picture means participate. These people in the picture are helping a church by holding a candle or holding the cross. They are helping the church by doing this. The people here are assigned to do this. If someone is not here someone else will do it. This shows that they are participating in doing these things.
Honorable Mention
Baseball--one of America's well-known sports. This photograph shows how participation in sports and athletics such as baseball, affects many high school students. This was taken in our high school baseball field while our school's team was facing another school for opening day.
Honorable Mention
A single ant colony could have around a million ants. Every ant participates and contributes to help the colony. Some ants search for food, dig tunnels, care for the young, feed the queen ant, find materials, or guard the colony. All these jobs are essential to the colony. Ants work together to make sure their colony survives. Every ant is self-motivated to get the job done. For example, if one ant’s task is to search for food, the ant will not stop searching until he completes his mission.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken and staged during a ballet class. It relates to the theme of "Participate" as each and every foot is pointed toward the front of the room. All of the models for this photograph are participating in a tondue exercise, in which the ballerina points their foot from from their second toe. To stage this photograph I asked everyone to line up in a slight diagonal and preform their normal 'tondue' exercise. Everyone was in the same class, so this was easy. I used the portrait mode on my iPhone to blur the background and focus on the foot toward the front. I thought that having many different people point their foot at the same time and all do the same exercise truly showcased the theme of "Participate". A short caption or poem I wrote to accompany this photo goes as follows: "To follow is to participate, to lead is to unite." The foot closest to the camera unites the rest of the participants in their exercise.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in the quad of my school. It's where most of the student population can be found at lunch, and there is always something interesting happening. It seemed like a good place to take a photo with the theme of participation, because even though my school is very welcoming and inclusive, there are always some people standing apart and watching life pass them by.
Knowing this, the story behind the photo is that a person separate from the rest of the school is being invited to join their peers. To this end, the person offering his hand is depicted in warm colors, with a serious face. The background is blurred to direct the viewer's focus to the person with his hand outstretched. This photograph relates to the theme of participation because it shows a student inviting his classmate to join him in participating in school life, rather than just standing by and watching everyone else go about their lives.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in my peer's car. We were driving to a study session for a heavily weighted assessment in our AP Statistics class. We wanted to give ourselves the best shot we could at obtaining a good grade, so we decided to participate in a group study session so we could collaborate with our other peers. I attempted to capture his stress, as seen by his hand running through his hair and nervous smile.
Honorable Mention
This picture was taken in the desert. It relates to the theme because the ants displayed in it are hardworking and work together to thrive, much like we do as humans in our society. Ants are so small, but they work together to be a part of something bigger.
Honorable Mention
Can you see them? Look closely, focus, can you see them now? They’re ants! I took this photo sometime in October 2018, when I went outside to play. I noticed that there were a bunch of ants on our front porch. Someone had left crumbs of cheese popcorn there. I chose this photo because it shows that the ants are participating together in preparing for winter. My photo shows a part of a long line of ants that were collecting the crumbs. Ants also participate in keeping the environment clean. They participate by eating off of dead leaves, insects, and animals. Ants are great at participating for themselves and for nature.
Honorable Mention
This is my cousin Adair at a Quinceanera. Adair has Downs syndrome. He participates in everything with everyone else and is never excluded. He loves music and plays with the other musicians. Anything is possible when you are included and decide to participate.
Not Selected
In this picture I have both mine (bottom) and my brother's (top) drawings of our cartoon drawings. The drawing we did is a ship on a whale watch. My brother and I both have to listen to our teacher and participate to get our drawings accomplished. Participating and listening helps us finish the drawings. We participate because we can have goals to accomplish and our achievement to crave.
Not Selected
This photo is me with my friend in the library. She is taking a photo of books. We were having fun in the library.
Not Selected
This photo was taken at my brother's basketball practice, and it relates to the year's theme of "Participate" as the boy in the picture is participating in practicing basketball with his coach.
Items 25 to 36 of 433
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