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Recycled Water Bottles
Cael S
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Contest Winner
I was curious about how plastic bottles were recycled. The process of how the bottles went from place to place seemed very confusing. Then my mom and I watched a video to investigate the process of recycling. Watching the video, I learned how the plastic was forged and formed after once being washed, heated and reshaped. The video showed me the life cycle of the water bottle. New recycled water bottles are not the only thing made from recycled plastics, but they are one of the most important. Many other products are made from recycled plastics, such as sweaters, shirts, cushion filling, blankets, all the way to car parts. What the video didn’t show me was how creative you can be with recycled water bottles. I chose a recycled water bottle as the subject of my picture because many people don’t know how creative you can be with recycled water bottles.

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