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Friendly Strangers
Kathleen P
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2019
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken at St. Anthony’s Sand Dunes in Idaho on June 14, 2018. Our group was out riding in the dunes when we came upon another group with a sand buggy stuck in the sand. They were unable to get their buggy on top of the sand on their own. A few guys from their group had gone back to their camp to get help. Our group stopped, got out of sand buggies and off quads, and problem solved with their group to get the sand buggy on top of the sand again. It took digging the sand around the tires and lifting the sand buggy multiple times to free it. Originally, I took this photo to remember a funny moment on our summer vacation. However, as I watched our group problem solve with their group, I realized this photo truly represents participation. We can choose to ride on past others that are stuck or having other problems, but that is not the way of people in the sand dunes. Though you ride with your own group, you participate with everyone else riding in the dunes. Whether it is keeping one another safe or helping one another out, participation with strangers defines what it means to ride in the sand dunes.

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