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Dear Future Self
Maryamawet D
San Diego
Contest Year: 2019
Honorable Mention
This picture was taken on my sister’s 19th birthday. I decided to take this specific picture because a birthday is a celebration of maturity, the more you age the better you handle the curve balls life throws at you. I helped organize the special day where our family went to the park for a photo shoot. To me participation means when you are present at an event that you get invited to and also when you are willing to go somewhere to experience something new. There is a saying “A picture is worth million words” and I completely agree with that. I have become more passionate about photography. Once I figured out how precious it can be for catching a moment that could have been just a memory in mind. I saw a fire of hope in my sister’s eyes when I took this picture. And a smile despite losing three family members right before her birthday. She has maintained to stay strong and smile through her pain. She is smiling a victory after overcoming harsh grief, hard challenges and moving on. My sister goes to college and she is chasing her dreams. Therefore she has inspired me to believe that if you believe you can do something you can with the complement of hard work, discipline and dedication. Break the barriers that try to prevent you from achieving your goals and move on.

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