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A White Blanket
Araina M
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2020
Honorable Mention
The sky is normally blue, but one fine morning, I caught it white ! Yes, it looked like a white, warm blanket to cover the trees, the earth.
The sky has been my favorite topic to study. I love looking at it especially around sunrise and sunset. There are lots of colors: pink, orange, purple, but I have never seen the clouds covering the whole sky so beautifully.
The formation of clouds is a natural phenomena, looking like layers. Just touching the trees was worth clicking.
I am just 9 years old. My parents used to click my pictures when I was a little baby. They would click me all the time and that's how my interest in photography started developing. Now I click and they become my models. I click everything that appeals to me: birds, trees, flowers, moon, sky.
I hope everyone will love my photo, "A White Blanket" click.

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