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A Beach Sunset
Hannah L
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2020
Honorable Mention
My photo relates to the topic of phenomena because it demonstrates the beauty of our world that is right in front of us, but can easily be ignored or overlooked because humans are used to it and have such busy lives that they begin to forget about the beauty of this world that we were born into. I have a free-write poem that accompanies this photo:
A beach sunset demonstrates many things
It shows tranquility
A sense of peace
The balance of sea and sky
All with our beautiful sun in the middle
A beach sunset
It is one of many beauties in nature
It is on our earth,
In our life,
That we get to see the wonders of nature
That we get to experience sunsets every day
And going to the beach or the mountains
And there are so many different parts
One of which is:
A Beach Sunset

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