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Dark vs. Light
Emily C
Contest Year: 2020
Honorable Mention
The original photo of the hole and light pouring through it was taken in a dark roof-covered bridge. It was along the wall of the bridge. The image of the girl was taken in a classroom with a green screen. The photograph intends to embody the phenomena that is the relationship between light and dark. The photographer hoped to show that even when it seems that darkness will consume, light is always ready to stream through. Even if it seems that your mind and body are drenched by darkness- as seen with the girl's image being manipulated to become a silhouette- light will always come and shower you.

Light and Dark will always be related as they are opposites. The two will always be tethered together, and while most people depict the dark as bad, it is important to accept and admire that the two coincide with each other. One cannot exist without the other, and there is something beautiful and phenomenal about that.

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