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2024 Photo Contest Gallery

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Items 25 to 36 of 231
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Honorable Mention
This was taken from the balcony at my house. It makes me think of flying and flying over jungles and oceans and you can see different animals. Those are adventures.
Honorable Mention
This photograph was taken in a studio. I used a backdrop for the background. I took the picture at eye level with a shallow depth of field to focus on the main object. This photograph represents adventure because the cap and gown represent the seniors closing this chapter of their lives and all of the adventures that the seniors experienced throughout their four years of high school...from learning lessons, making friends, and creating unforgettable memories. We will remember all those adventures when we look at our cap and gown photographs.
Honorable Mention
Imagine being this naval ship, the USS Midway. Sailing the oceans from September 9, 1945 to November 4,1992 (47 years) must have been amazing. She went to Vietnam to help in the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf for Operation Desert Storm as the flagship. Midway also sailed around Asia after the war in Vietnam, doing small to medium sized operations. She carried over 200,000 Navy sailors during her service and many US fighter planes like the F-4 Phantom and F/A-18 Hornet. She must have been honored to have served her country and must have had quite an adventure!
Honorable Mention
This girl and this dog are on an adventure at the Fern Canyon Nature Trail on a Saturday. They explored the trail, bravery included. It was loads of fun. As a family, they stick together. They explore through the bushes and branches. They saw a beautiful sight. It was glorious! Trees swaying in the wind. It felt like paradise!
Honorable Mention
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who dreamed of being an astronaut. She couldn't tell anybody because her big brother Aaron laughed at her when she told him. She would never dare to have a party about astronauts or even draw a picture. What could her brother do to her then? One day there was an invitation to go to the moon. Her brother, Aaron, told her only babies go to the moon. She told her brother, she is not a baby. Her brother said, "Fine pipsqueak. Go to the moon if you like."
Honorable Mention
I think this shows adventure because we go in a school bus. We take a trip to school. It feels like an adventure with my big sister.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken on our way to Yosemite. Every time my dad puts on his boots, I know we’re going on an adventure. I think my dad looks like a superhero standing on the rock, looking at everything.
Honorable Mention
My photograph demonstrates the word "adventure" by showing how the sun has no bounds over where it shines on the earth, neither does a person. It portrays the beauty in illuminating the world in dark or unknown places by exploring fearlessly. And lastly, it portrays inspiration in my opinion, because just like scientists have not been able to fully understand the sun and how it endlessly shines, a person cannot underestimate or restrict their true potential by expectations or lassoed mental burdens. Shine everywhere.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in Hawaii during the summer after ziplining through the mountains. This afternoon hike represents the adventure of traveling to new places, exploring the area, and appreciating the beautiful nature surrounding you. After making it up to a high point, it was refreshing to be able to overlook the ocean and islands in the distance.
Honorable Mention
Missing my shot or not
But having something to aim for
That's where my adventure begins
Honorable Mention
An adventure doesn't always have to be with company. You can be the lone person on your adventure. The world may be tremendous, but you can do it. After all, adventuring is just one big game.

Honorable Mention
Walking around my high school campus encourages me to keep going and discover new adventures. With a big American flag in the middle of campus, where I walk every day throughout the week, helps to keep me going with the inspiration of our fearless leaders.
Items 25 to 36 of 231
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