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2024 Photo Contest Gallery

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Honorable Mention
The adventure of this photo is ongoing, getting to hit different destinations on the way and experiencing a never ending adventure filled with unknown obstacles. Small towns have many different scenery that anyone can make beautiful with different angles and lighting, you don't have to always go out to big cities.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken at Sensorio Paso Robles, CA. I took this photo away from my hometown. I traveled five hours to get there.
Honorable Mention
The photo was taken on my schools backyard. It's adventurous because it's a hard challenge to cross in the mud.
Honorable Mention
This is an image of the outdoors in my community during a rainstorm. It relates to the theme of "Adventure" by commenting on the treacherous aspects of exploring and going on an adventure. Putting ourselves out in the world, to embrace our curiosity, isn't all sunshine and rainbows. An adventure includes some hardships, and only once a journey is accomplished will there be rainbows. We must not only push towards the result, but also embrace the discomfort of the journey, as those are important memories to take forward throughout the rest of our lives.
Honorable Mention
My family took a vacation which was nothing short of an epic adventure. We visited local ball parks, national parks and when we were hiking we came across this beautiful piece of heaven. This photo represents the beauty of enjoying an adventure!
Honorable Mention
Photo was taken in Fall 2023 in Temecula, California. Fueled by liquified gas stored in pressure vessels, the fire that spews out from the burner heats and fills the balloon. The balloon filled with rising hot air lifts off the ground, marking the beginning of a new adventure.
Honorable Mention
I took this photo when I was taking a walk at my boyfriend’s grandma's house. She has a lot of property to take walks on and it feels like an adventure. It was taken recently at the time of the Super Bowl, and I wanted to take a walk before the game started. It looked like it was going to rain but the weather fooled people. When I took this picture it was blocked off by a gate and I went around the gate. There was a bridge that you go through and it's where I took this image. I stood on the edge to get the best view. I took multiple shots but this was the best because it included the sky that looked more full in the picture. It's an image where I see myself sitting there in silence and thinking in my own world.
Honorable Mention
Every time you go rock climbing
You can find different ways
to get up the wall.
Honorable Mention
We went on a hike with my class to take some photos. I saw this rocky trail while I was walking. It was my favorite photo from the group I took.
Honorable Mention
An adventure can be anything such as just exploring a new place as well as venturing to the unknown to meet new people and different cultures. It can be as simple as going on a roadtrip and exploring nature. People use going to the wilderness to find peace and to relieve stress for themselves. Adventures are found everywhere we can think of just by having an idea.
Honorable Mention
Adventure is about all of our little hardships and the path we take to get there. Our path is never ever clear cut, winding and twisting in ways that sometimes, feels impossible. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try because well, where’s the adventure in that? It's time to pick it up running.
Honorable Mention
This is my adventure of going to a place I've never been to before. It was a new experience for me going through all the traffic of cars going to lunch or exploring. San Francisco was a new place for me where I was able to explore and find new things. This image to me is showing the road to an unlocked adventure I could explore.
Items 145 to 156 of 234
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