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2019 Photo Contest Gallery

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Items 73 to 84 of 345
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Honorable Mention
My photo relates to this year's contest theme, "participate", because it shows many people coming to support and participate in an active concert. At this show, I saw many people buying merchandise, eating food, and dancing.
Honorable Mention
This picture shows a sport which requires team participation, The sport is soccer. Soccer is a sport where each player depends on each other to do their part. This photo is a soccer team giving high fives to the parents and a fellow team member at their soccer game after losing. It shows that everyone is a winner because everyone played their best to the point where they go beyond. Even though they lost the game, the team still stayed strong and they all went home with a smile knowing that they kept their heads high and did their part and tried their best.

This photo is related to the theme "Participate" because soccer is a sport where everyone is dependent on each other doing their part. The team giving high fives together with the parents is another form. Even a teammate who finished giving high fives went back in line with the parents and started giving high fives to his own teammates.
Honorable Mention
I took this photo in the summer of 2018 of my sister. At first she did not want to participate, so then I explained to her what it means to me and why I wanted her to be my model. So then she decided to participate. We were bored and it was too hot to do anything outside, so we decided to beat the summer heat and take up some photography. I used my iPhone flashlight and a CD to create a rainbow reflection across her face and I took about 50 photos until I took one that I liked.

My photograph relates to participation because it captures my sister participating in my activities, and the light/ CD participating in my photograph. I would like the judges to know that photography is my passion. I started taking pictures during my freshman year of high school, and at first I hated it. I received a D in my first semester of Photo 1, and I was about to receive another D in semester 2. The only way I could get my grade up was by participating in my school's annual art show. I picked up my camera and I fell in love with photography; it has brought me joy ever since that day. So that it is what participating means to me. Although you may not want to participate, it may benefit you in the long run. Or it may benefit someone else.
Honorable Mention
How can a dog be unique if there are so many? When
I look at his eyes that look like the sky, I know he is unique.
Honorable Mention
The photo was taken in London during the New Year's day parade. The theme of participation is apparent in this photo through the subjects faces and personality. Rather than photograph the actual parade, I found the people who were standing together looking at the parade far more interesting. Each one of them came out to the parade for their own personal reasons: boredom, curiosity, fascination, or perhaps even a coincidence. The one thing though that all of them had in common was that they were there together celebrating the passing of another year and the start of a fresh one.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in early February inside my home. The subject is my newborn little brother, and I am the one holding him. It relates to the theme "Participate" in that I am currently participating and will be participating in raising my newly born little brother. I wore dark clothes that blended with the dark background, as well as to make his bright clothes pop more, and I used the rule of thirds to frame the photo.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken at one of the Music in the Park festivals. It was both my niece and nephews first music festival together. We sat and enjoyed listening to music and later got up to dance. My nephew was enjoying being there with my niece. They had the best of times and were not excited to leave. This relates to the theme of participation, because the children are participating in something fun like a festival, and also participating in it for the first time.
Honorable Mention
In this photo it shows that a family is enjoying a hike. This shows participation by all of us coming together because we are spending time together. Some people don't participate in family activities and I feel that it is very important to because family should always come first because they are there for you no matter what.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken on my summer trip to Hawaii. While my family and I were exploring the beauty of our neighborhood, we found a small beach. We were interested on how shallow the water was because all we saw was the ground when looking out into the vast sea. We all eventually made it a fun game to see who could go the farthest. It was a great time to bond with my family and it is a moment I love to look back on.
Honorable Mention
My picture is a reflection of a fidget spinner. I chose this photo because it shows the participation in my creativity. I was just playing around with my fidget spinner in my mom’s car, when I realized the driver’s seat had a glow, a reflection coming off it. I took a picture of the reflection and then edited it on my phone. It turned out to be a really cool picture. I cropped the photo, changed the saturation, and changed the contrast of light and dark. I edited it in many other ways too. When I took the picture I recognized that I was participating in my own way of creativity and it felt good.
Honorable Mention
This is the very first time I have ever held my baby bunnies. My younger brother helped me take the picture, and even though it is blurry, I like how you can still get the feeling of the beauty of that moment. I would like the judges to know that my brother assisted me in taking this photo, but I asked him and he's ok with me entering it. My brother and I both participated in taking this picture, and the bunnies participated in making spring so much happier!
Honorable Mention
Taken on a boat in a lake while fishing with my dad.
Items 73 to 84 of 345
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