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2022 Photo Contest Gallery

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Items 337 to 348 of 349
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Honorable Mention
This piece represents the heavy emotions most people felt when the world shut down because of the global pandemic. The struggle with depression and loneliness that I, and many others, faced in isolation was something we had to go through on our own. Without the ability to see friends and family, we were left on our own to cope with being patient for the day that we will be able to live normally again. We had the resilience to continue to wait for hope that things will get better. This is represented in the photo as the model is holding herself all alone with the dark could above her head looking towards the light.
Honorable Mention
This photo features a woman on Varsity Girl's Water Polo, scoring a goal for the team. I believe this photograph relates to this year's "resilience" theme because it shows the emotion of the game and how stressful it can be. It also conveys how exciting and exhilarating the game can be until the last second. This photo captures a huge decisive moment, seconds before a goal was made, while the players played hard until the very end.
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After weeks of intense winds, trees lay broken around my neighborhood and power outages are finally coming to a stop. The sky is now calm; it is eerily still and quiet in comparison to the strong winds that raged through our town just days before. Despite it all, there are still signs of strength left, like in this pole that swayed but refused to bend and fall to the wind’s whims. Like us, it will continue to stand tall, waiting for and expecting the next winds to come.
Honorable Mention
The photo was taken when my class was on a field trip in D.C. I noticed the water we were walking along was dirty and filled with trash. However there were also ducks living in the water, not only that but a mother taking care of her ducklings. It was heart warming to see a mother and her young manage to live in such a polluted environment. The mother and her babies were resilient.
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The photo was taken in my grandparents' house near their garden. It relates to the theme of "Resilience" as you don't typically see a flower growing within a vase, it would most likely be in a bush in bright sunlight. But here, the rose seed went against all odds and became so big and vibrant.
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I used to frequently complain to my mother about how hungry I was when I was younger. I couldn’t understand why we didn’t have bacon in the morning with French toast. Despite my complaints, she would open the fridge and manage to put food on my plate. I had no idea how resilient she was.

Resilient (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. My mom would always make me a meal. My mom didn’t have a lot money after my father left. We never had enough money for a proper home or food. Even throughout it all she would recover quickly and make the most out of whatever we had. She always worried when we asked her the question, "What’s for dinner?" But it didn’t matter what we had in the fridge, she would force a smile and make us a meal.
Honorable Mention
Ever since we were little my friend has been dreaming of doing a wheelie on his dirtbike, and after a few trips to the desert, he did it. Although he was getting discouraged after failing and falling many times, he did not give up and finally did it!

Honorable Mention
Glamis is a place of recreation, where people from all over go to play with their sand toys, connect with friends and family, and relax from their busy lives. In 2020, even the bustling playground of the sand dunes slowed in the fear of COVID. This photo was taken a year after those months when the world stood still in the year 2021. It shows resilience because this young teen is improving his jump in a place where people are once again gathering to play, connect, and relax. It shows that people are resilient in the face of fear.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken during a two day long swim meet. This photo shows resilience because while most people are relaxing at home on the weekend, the people at this swim meet have been at the pool for over 12 hours, on both Saturday and Sunday. They also must overcome challenges such as disappointment and fatigue, in order to perform their best.
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This photo was taken at a festival at which I was freelancing as a photographer for a local pet shelter. I heard a sudden commotion and ran over to see two dogs play-fighting with the black dog who eventually got fed up and snarled, which is what is depicted in the photo. By displaying such resilience, he ended up getting them to back off.
Honorable Mention
During my fishing trip in Florida, we came across a capsized boat with three people swimming in the water around it, one being a child. We rescued them and brought them back to land as they told us their story. Later, going back out, we caught multiple sharks near the spot of the wreak. These people had the will to live and swam in the dangerous waters for several hours, having the resilience needed to stay afloat.
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This photo ties into resilience by showing that the flowers on the inside of the fence are alive and blooming while those that tried to go beyond the fence have withered and died. I see this as a great example of the resilience and courage that the citizens of Ukraine are showing against the current Russian invasion.
Items 337 to 348 of 349
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