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2024 Photo Contest Gallery

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Items 349 to 351 of 351
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People use art as a way to adventure through their imagination. In this photo there is a book (writing form of art) a small pencil bag (drawing) and a camera case (photography) to show the art forms in which people use to explore their imagination.
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in during the calm before the storm in the San Fransisco Bay. After doing some research, the Golden Gate Bridge symbolizes the spirit of American determination. Amazingly, I was able to capture a photo of a man with his surfboard calmly walking into the waters. A person who didn't let the harsh weather conditions halt his adventure.
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Descanso Gardens has so many paths and options to find nature. There are various types of plants, trees, animals, etc. that you can discover every time you go.
Items 349 to 351 of 351
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