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The Ruins of Monte Alban
Mireya A
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
This Picture was taken on June 14 2017 in the archeological site of Monte Alban, one of the earliest cities of Mesoamerica situated in Oaxaca Mexico, The city was founded towards the end of the middle formative period at around 500 BC, and interacted with other Mesoamerican states such as Teotihuacan. To me this picture represents investigation because of the great efforts needed to dig out the city and cataloging and cleaning all the artifacts, buildings and bodies that were found on this site, also the fact that allows me to learn how people lived in the past, what they ate, how they cook, what they wear and how they die is the perfect
example of what investigation means. The name of the tribe that build this city was the Zapotec culture and for closed to a thousand years the city of Monte Alban was the center political and economic gathering for the Zapotec culture.

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