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Sunlight Tunnel
Remal J
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken when I went to the library with my sister over Thanksgiving break. My sister wanted to take me to somewhere fun but somewhere I could also learn, so she took me to all the different parts of the library and gave me a scavenger hunt. She gave me her phone and let me take a picture of all the things on the list and all the places I investigated. I chose this picture because it was taken in my favorite place of the library, the Children's Garden. At the Children's Garden I had to find the Prism Tunnel and investigate how the rainbow was surrounding me. The way it works is that the sunlight and the mist play together and create a circle of rainbows I could play in. It was my favorite thing to play with at the Children's Garden because I love rainbows. I learned a lot while investigating the many parts of the library, I would love to go there again.

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