Please note: will be down for maintenance on Monday, 5/25/15, from 8am to 5pm
Investigating What Happened
Zaylah N
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Not Selected
For my digital photo on investigation I chose to take a picture of a car that was in a accident.I wanted to investigate what happened. How did it happen? Who’s fault? Why it happened? Where it happened? And if anyone got hurt? I went to a body shop, a place where they fix cars that have been in an accident. In the lot they had an SUV that was just brought in by a tow truck. The person in the SUV was on her phone and ran a red light and hit another car. The good thing about this accident was that no one was hurt. Now the body shop is going to fix the SUV but it will take 3-6 weeks and the person has to pay a lot of money. Hopefully the person in the SUV learned a good lesson, not to use their phone while driving.

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