Please note: will be down for maintenance on Monday, 5/25/15, from 8am to 5pm
Luke J
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
My friend and I were searching for a new spot to hang around, be loud, and just overall be ourselves. We had been walking around a while when we came to this spot that overlooked almost the entire park we were walking around in. We decided to end our search in this spot as the sky was starting to light up with the setting sun but the ground was going dark with shadows. When searching for one thing, you can find another, like for example we wanted a spot to hang out but we ended up finding an outlook on the park, a place to look around and get bearings. We may not have found the spot we were looking for but we still found an important one. I think this is investigation because we were searching for a new location but ended but with something unexpected.

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