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Mirror Mirror
Bryant N
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
My family was searching for something fun to do as Thanksgiving break came to an end. My mom suggested we go to a science museum that was right by a pier and an airport. The museum was very interesting because, besides the science exhibits, there were also animals and gardens. We walked through the museum, amazed by the science behind sound, motion, sight, and so much more. As we were about to leave the museum, we came across this interesting mirror exhibit that allowed the viewers to investigate the results of a setup of two mirrors that were side-by-side. When you looked into one of the mirrors, it would reflect the things in front and behind you, forming a dreamy, unrealistic photo. Out of all the photos I took from the museum, this photo was one of my favorites because it felt so unreal and it was one of the final exhibits we visited during our investigative day at the museum.

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