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Investigating Nature's Beauty
Christina F
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken during recess in January 2018. The start of the year brought summer-like temperatures in southern California. As a result, the weather was extremely warmer than usual and the students inquiring minds discovered one of nature's most precious gifts.

Investigating with caution on their own, they find a newly hatched Monarch butterfly from its chrysalis. Through debate and discussions, many students made connections with the migration of Monarch butterflies learned at the beginning of the school year.

Shortly after their discovery near the storage shed, it was finally brought to my attention. Roles were reversed, as I was now the student being informed and taught by many teachers (students) about what I was observing, what others should know or be informed about, and why we have to leave nature undisturbed to preserve nature itself. This tiny part of nature made a huge impact on what students wanted to further research and investigate more about.

The power of investigation is such a reward when students apply what is being taught in the classroom to self-discovery and becoming a life-long learner.

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