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McDaniels R
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
For this assignment, I thought of using my dog, Stella, as the subject of this photo. Investigating through her eyes is pretty amazing. She investigates everyone and everything. She watches, listens and learns so intently and with so much purpose.  She is always waiting for me at the fence when I get home. She shows me by wagging her tail. She also tells me by jumping in the air that she missed me and is happy that I am home. She sees every movement I make and she is so ready to follow me wherever I go.

She loves me in many different ways. She is up and investigating every sound she hears because that is how she keeps me safe. Right now, while I type this she is investigating me; she is watching me while sitting right by my side so she doesn't miss anything. She has that cute little tilt to her head as if she is examining the situation very carefully. As I was clicking pictures of her at my house in my living room, she was so curious and became so interested in the camera because she didn't know what the camera was and why it was making so many noises.

She also creates investigative thinking within my own mind. She always makes me wonder if she sees me in monochrome or in color. Also, I wonder if she knows it's me every time she sees me or based on a certain smell? Have you ever wondered about any of these things too? Does this make you want to investigate more about your dog? Do they feel emotions, do they remember happy moments or exciting moments? Just thinking about this makes me want to investigate a little more about how dogs investigate life. I want to learn more about my dog Stella. I love her and I know she loves me. I can see it in the way she watches me with her beautiful eyes. The way she investigates life so whole-heartedly should be the way we as humans investigate others as well. I think we would be much more understanding and loving if we saw the world they way dogs do.

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