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Reflecting on a Surreal World
Jeremy C
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
There are moments where the world around us seems surreal and like a dream. No matter how fake our world may seem, if we take a moment to really look around us and take everything in, we can see past all the negativity in the world today and recognize the natural beauty. I created the reflection because of the idea that while investigating ourselves, we discover what we think about the world and those feelings reflect into our perception of how we actually see the world. For instance, if we recognize that the world is truly beautiful, we will see beauty in everything. This is how my photo represents investigation. I took the foreground photo while I was in Utah and added my photo of Downtown Los Angeles as the background using Photoshop. I also painted the galaxy with Photoshop as well. I would like to let you know that while the photo is clearly heavily Photoshopped, that is the point, as I am trying to emphasize how sometimes our world’s beauty feels fake at times and through investigation of the world around us, we can finally accept its true beauty.

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