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Kamyar S
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
I retreated from my home, surrounded by the tangle of wires, the incessant electric hum, the looming towers, into the forest. To my dismay, as I walked through the forest, there was no more than what I had seen at home - electrical lines, cell towers, buildings, severed trees. The forest was cold and depressing, dark and deep, broken by unnatural geometric shapes that erupted from the ground and passed through the trees. Yet, over hours travelling through the forest, I stumbled upon a plot of hope -- a plot where nature was left nearly untouched, where nature was nearly pristine. Concealed by a veil of leaves, a beam of light shone out of the canopy of the trees, upon the patch of lush green grass, overgrown and unkept. It was a glimmer of hope in a forest of darkness, a world polluted and dominated by man.

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