Please note: will be down for maintenance on Monday, 5/25/15, from 8am to 5pm
Sarah L
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
The photo was taken at my school, home of many students that have to stay on campus after the average six hour work day. Despite being a relatively small school, the compact campus always has something going on within its borders . Students run around hurriedly across campus anxious to finish up crafting the latest project before the oncoming deadline. The majority of students chose my school over a traditional high school to figure out more about college life since the school is known for its rigorous group work and college preparation, however the majority of students still have many questions in regards to college. Inquiring of our futures can lead to a treacherous train of terrifying thoughts , but having the support network necessary allows us to ponder the possibilities. The photo ties in to the overall theme of investigation since all investigation is to me means to research a topic, and I felt that the most relevant topic glued to the mind of the average high school student is college. We ponder about college on a daily basis, and will continue to wonder until senior year when we're closest to experiencing a slice of the college life.

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