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Appraisal of The Past
Jasmine H
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
The photo is taken from the battered walls of Angels Gate, a long forgotten series of WWII bunkers nestled where Fort MacArthur itself once stood in the heart of modern day San Pedro, California.
Philosopher R. G. Collingwood once said that "the only clue to what man can do, is what man has done." Our history is a bread crumb trail awaiting inspection, whether or not we choose to inquire and follow where it leads however is left to the individual. History is not for the faint of heart nor short of courage; the knowledge comes from the journey, and the investigation of time is long and winding, but, in the end carries what we were, what we are, and what we will be, all you have to do is chose to look closer.

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