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The Empty Street
Joslyn R
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
This is an eerie photo of a man underneath a lamppost on an empty street. I took this photo on the street outside of my house at night. I thought it was the perfect location since my street was kind of curved and there was just one eerie lamppost on the corner of the street. This photo connects to investigation in many ways. I tried to make it kind of creepy and mysterious so people can investigate the photo themselves. The man under the lamppost makes you kind of wonder who he is and why he is the only person on the street. I made the photo darker but I wanted some sort of light in it because it kind of reminds me of a flashlight used by investigators. I left some parts of the photo unseen because it left a mystery. I also wanted to focus on the parts you could see because the light illuminated a certain area just like how flashlights only see the places you point them at.I hope you guys enjoy my photo because I put hard work and effort into it. Thank you for your time in looking at my photo and reading what I have to say about it.

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