Please note: will be down for maintenance on Monday, 5/25/15, from 8am to 5pm
Investigation of the Calm of the Storm
Katelyn C
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
For a moment, the rain, lightning, and thunder paused. It was the first time it had stopped raining for the longevity of the gloomy day. Out peaked the sun, entering through my blinds and warming my face. I witnessed as its rays danced across the fields around my house. A soft breeze swayed along nature and left it in tranquility. I was left in awe by the scene as the light reached the distant storm and refracted with the raindrops to create a magnificent rainbow. I rushed from the room and grabbed my camera knowing that the sun would not be out long. Even as I took the picture from a window within my house the rainbow had begun to dissipate, the sun sinking back into the clouds.
I surveyed the calm of the storm, witnessing its creation and capturing my investigation of its beauty and serenity. I found the photograph to depict the juxtaposing creations of a storm. The raindrops can be seen as the brutality of the storm making all retreat to the comfort of shelter. Yet, these same raindrops create the vista of the rainbow and supply the earth with life.

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