Please note: will be down for maintenance on Monday, 5/25/15, from 8am to 5pm
Victoria G
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken on campus after school. All students were out and about on campus. The photograph is able to relate to the theme of investigation because it's not very clear as to what's going on or to what the 'subject' is drawn towards. The background is blurred but the 'subject' has been the main focus as to not knowing where, or what they're looking at. What may they be thinking? How does this person actually look? All that is seen are their features and side of the 'subject' face. The smallest of features and details or things are the main things that matter to help identify a person and it's just the little details from this picture that help investigate what may be happening or going on in this picture... in the exact moment that it was taken.

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