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The Whole
Sofia I
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken in Downtown, LA, when my class and I went on an LA walking tour to better understand the city we live in. This photo reminds me of LA because although it looks so simple and “perfect” there is so much more to it. The main focus is the sunlight hitting the flower, but without the green bush, the street, trees and cars it wouldn’t be as interesting to look at. A photo is more than just its parts, and same goes for a city. After walking around downtown with my classmates I realized that LA is more than just its movie stars, skyscrapers, palm trees, warm weather, and traffic. It's a place filled with culture, creativity, and diversity. Although I was not born in LA, I have lived here for as long as I can remember and I never really realized how special of a place it was until I really looked.

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