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The Things Around You
Gabriella A
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Not Selected
When thinking about the topic of investigation, most think of interrogation, or trying to find the secrets of a suspect. Instead I immediately thought of investigating the things in plain sight, the things around you. While taking this photo, I took time to notice the small things such as the acorns on the trees, and the leaves on the branches. I also took time to look at the big things, the miraculous things, like the beautiful mountains, large trees, and astonishing waterfalls. By investigating things like nature we can be more aware of our surroundings, and find out new things we never got around to. We do not always have to be in these nature filled places, we can also notice the good things in our everyday life. We should more often take time to investigate the amazing things around us, and reflect on how lucky we truly are.

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