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Investigating the World
Avery B
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
I took this photo while on a cruise to Jamaica with my friends and family. This cruise was my first cruise ever and even my first time leaving the country. On the day we were supposed to leave the ship onto the Jamaica port, I woke up and stepped onto the balcony and took a second to look at the beautiful view. I wanted this memory to last forever, so I took a picture. To me, this picture represents investigation from the elements of the land (Jamaica) in the background and the side of the boat. The land in the background represents the land sailors investigated. The side of the boat shows how many historians investigated the world. Christopher Columbus sailed on many ships to investigate the world and find new lands. Many other famous historians used ships to investigate the world such as James Cook, Francis Drake, Joshua Slocum, and many others. This picture will always mean to me the first time my family and I left the country to investigate other parts of the world.

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