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Satine W
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
The difference between viewing the sunset over a cliff and watching the sunset fall in the ocean is that when it falls off of the cliff there's this feeling that we could look over the edge and see the sun happily taking a break from it's duties on our planet. But as it sets itself in the ocean, it seems as if some sea monster is trying to take it for it's own purposes: dragging it down, drowning out the life source so that we are vulnerable and easy to control. When the sun sets in the ocean, we can't just go look for it. In fact, we must start a never-ending investigation, one that is only driven by our hopes and prayers that our beloved planet will fight off the sea monster and come back to us...

I took this picture at the beach, where I often go to get away from the world and think. I was walking down the path, looking for a good place to take a nice shot of the sunset and passed by this tree, creating a perfect framing photo of the sun setting in the distance over the horizon. After taking this shot, I watched the sun, admiring it's beauty and was happy I was blessed with such a beautiful sight.

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