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Looking Up
Justin M
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2018
Honorable Mention
This picture was taken because of my view of the intimidating and unknown world we live in today. Our world is constantly growing, and the only way to see how this is happening is to investigate and examine. I chose this photograph because it captures the beauty you would only find when looking up and looking for hidden details in the wide and vast space above. As you examine this photo, you will see that the photographer’s (me) current location isn’t close to where the top of the trees and plants are, rather, his position is below everything, including the small plants. This photo also makes you want to climb up and explore what is hidden and what is not seen from the photographer’s current location. In addition, the photograph also emphasizes leading lines, which draw the viewer’s attention up and through the tree’s branches. This can also relate to the mysterious and intimidating world because if we investigate and examine, we may be able to find a path that will bring us somewhere that is less intimidating and mysterious. Overall, the photograph is analogous of how the world is shaped today, and how most of us feel when looking up at its tremendous size.

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