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Katherine F
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2019
Honorable Mention
For my photo, I thought that I should make a very unique point about participation which is time. Time is what drives us to do something, that is to participate. We set up important times and schedules. Time isn’t talked about much, and when you really think about it, time is the whole reason that this word is what it is today. Time is a very important keystone to our world and how society works. Taking a picture of a clock at a angle that made the clock seem to have greater power and you looking up to it, makes it seem that the clock is belittling you and warning you that you need to use your time wisely. This is because time is such an important factor to everything happening. Sometimes we forget how important time is and we take it for granted. We think time will always be there when really it isn’t, and being able to participate in something truly revolves around how much time you have to participate.

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