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Plants Give Back
Riley M
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2019
Honorable Mention
I took this photo on a cold, rainy day after school. I stood tall on my tippy toes to achieve the angle and lighting desired. I believe this photo captures the theme "Participate" so well because there are many elements of participation needed when growing a plant. Once I really began to think of all the different elements, I couldn't believe it! The participation needed includes, to name a few, photosynthesis, soil, a person to plant it, and so much more. All of these things participate in the growth of the plant. However that is not all, how about the shade that the plant will provide to the many generations of people over its lifespan? How about the oxygen this plant provides to so many people and animals? What about plants that are edible? They are a source of nutrients! What about the fact that plants help clean water? Did you know that plants are used to make clothing? It's true, the materials are eco-friendly and less expensive. Plants also provide shelter and are an important source of furniture, too. Plants are also incredible sources of medicines and vitamins. Plants are also grown for the sake of bio-fuels. Plants participate in the contribution to our economy and economic growth. There are so many things made possible by the participation of plants in our lives. It's pretty amazing when you think about it!

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