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Substance Dependance in Teens
Gabriela G
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2019
Honorable Mention
Teen depression and drug abuse have disturbingly increased throughout the years. This comes from the pressure of school or home. Teens that have been abused and neglected are at a huge risk of being depressed, but this may be because we now live in a society where teens don’t have relationships with their parents or siblings. Teens are now more attached to their phones and friends so that they now feel a vacancy, and it's a deep, dark, and twisted feeling that continuously feels like you are drowning and there is no way to get out. This is often the one reason that may cause teens to turn to drug abuse. They hope that this temporary high and feeling of numbness will get rid of all their problems. But because they are young and naive and it is now “cool” to do drugs, teens ignore the risks that come with making that big a decision, not knowing that this “fun” can turn into an ugly addiction that will consume them.
“Every 100 minutes a teen takes their own life, Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24, and about 20 percent of all teens experience depression before they reach adulthood.” Borchard, Therese J. “Why Today's Teens Are More Depressed Than Ever.” Center For Discovery, Center For Discovery, 9 Nov. 2016,
Depression in teens rise. Suicide rates shoot up to an all-time high. “The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics are wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope.” (Russell Brand) “9 Memorable Quotes from Former Addicts.”,
Drug abuse and addictions. Addiction can grip someone strongly. Here the model is portraying herself through the drugs. She stares pleadingly into the camera for help, without having to actually say it. This is how most teens react. They will act out and do anything possible to give someone a sign but refuse to ask for help when needed. After her final attempt and silently pleading for help, they are left with the only option they believe will solve everything – drug abuse. When it gets too far and too much comes the overdose, the attempts at suicides, and the worst, the successful suicides.
I am trying to inspire others to make a change in teens actions and transform the way they view drugs. Now drugs is seen as something to do just to seem cool, and for others they find it as an outlet to escape, not understanding that there will always be consequences with dealing with things like this. They need societies view on drugs to change so they can express themselves through other healthy options, where they are not putting themselves at risk.

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