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Butterfly Goddess
Shoshana P
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2020
Honorable Mention
This photo was taken outside of a house where there was a thorny rose bush. The model in this photo is my friend Kalliope. I think that this picture is phenomenal because she is posed in such a natural way that shows that she is not really trying but still is the center of attention. The shadow on her face and the lighting in this picture is perfect, also making this a phenomenal piece. A few weeks ago I wanted to have a photoshoot with my two friends incorporating butterflies. After this idea came to mind, my dad and I went to Hobby Lobby to pick out some fake butterflies. While walking with my friends, we stumbled upon a house with a pretty garden with nature that I thought would go with their aesthetics. I thought that this thorn would match Kalliope’s presence by complimenting her features.

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