Please note: will be down for maintenance on Monday, 5/25/15, from 8am to 5pm
Jessica S
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2023
Honorable Mention
Over the summer, my family and I went on a vacation to Catalina island. While we were there, I took advantage of the beautiful landscapes by taking many photos to highlight how the island has changed over the many years. In this specific photo, the natural water juxtaposes the man-made building, touching upon the effect of mankind on natural landscapes. This relates to innovation, as it shows how over time, humans have innovated upon the natural land to create everything we know and are familiar with today, including this historic building in the photo. Also, the building itself is an example of innovation, as the use of the building has changed many times over the course of its existence. While we were there this summer, its purpose was as a grand movie theater.

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