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Ronald L
Contest Year: 2023
Honorable Mention
This is a photo of the inside of a green Coca-Cola bottle. I had gotten several different angles and shots of the bottle, but this one was my personal favorite for how disconnected it is from the original form. I did this entirely at my desk, using my phone light and a small lamp light to control the reflections. My photo is innovative in how simple it is. The concept of light bouncing off and diffusing onto surfaces offers limitless possibilities for shots, human emotions can be attached to the different ways a surface or object can be lit. My photo is but one of these millions of possibilities, and in that same sense, my photo is unique amongst all of those alternative shots that I could have done. There's a beauty to the process of shooting and all of the factors that goes into it, and I enjoy exploring the possibilities of how my photo can turn out before and after my shutter closes.

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