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Moving Forward
Madison K
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2023
Honorable Mention
This photo shows progress and innovation from over 100 years ago parallel to the present. I took this photo while working on my high school’s production of Triangle. Triangle is a story about the women of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and the changes that they sacrificed for. I wanted to capture the feeling of women helping other women achieve and reach goals through both our show, and this picture of it. The women of this story catapulted the wave of innovation for workers rights and safety standards in the early 1900s. I believe recognizing and sharing that is very important.

The other amazing element of this photo is the set. It may not be noticeable at first, but the set of any show, and this show in particular, has a huge impact on the overall feeling of a performance. My friend, and fellow student at the time, designed the entire set themself. For them to take on this task and execute it so well was incredibly innovative and inspiring. They now study set design at their college. Making that new path added possibilities to what else students could do at the school and basically kickstarted their career in set design.

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