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The Giving Box
Jazmin M
Los Angeles
Contest Year: 2023
Honorable Mention
How can we show innovation at school while helping each other? I decided to take a picture of school supplies inside a box because I basically wanted to show Innovation by giving out free supplies to kids who need it. Wouldn’t it be amazing! I think it would be a great idea if the school community would get together to donate any school supplies that they might not be needing and be used by less fortunate students. This can also be a sample of kindness that we students can learn from. We can see it as a giving box and or a trade in. I decided to purchase items and ask friends to donate things for the box. I placed it on the 3rd floor of my school with a sign that says “Free School Supplies or Donate Something” to show kindness and love. I thought it would be an amazing way to be innovative to help our fellow peers. The fact is that there are times that kids aren’t prepared for school and are always missing a pencil or a folder. So this has inspired me to do that as well.

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